College for all Texans

Tuition Exemption for Blind or Deaf Students

Program Purpose

Help enable students who are blind or deaf to attend public colleges or universities in the state of Texas.

NOTE:This webpage is intended to provide basic information for the public by highlighting requirements that appear in the Texas Education Code (TEC) and Texas Administrative Code (TAC). When reviewing eligibility requirements this exemption program, you should always refer to the relevant statutes and rules. The information on this webpage is to be used solely as a resource and does not override the statute or rules for this exemption program. It is not intended as, and does not constitute, legal advice.

Eligibility Requirements

Texas residents with a vision-related disability (e.g., blindness, significant visual impairment) are determined eligible by Vocational Rehabilitation Services Offices through the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). Students must contact their local TWC office to apply.

Texas residents with a hearing disability who meet certain criteria are determined eligible by Texas Health and Human Services (HHS). To apply, students must submit the Application for Certificate of Deafness for Tuition Waiver (Form 3900) to HHS.
After eligibility is established, HHS will issue the student a certification of eligibility letter that he or she must provide to the institution’s registrar.

Eligible Institutions

All Texas public colleges and universities are required to participate in this program.

Award Amount

Application Process